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Minimalism and Exercise

  “If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”   -         Hippocrates         Have you ever had the absolute perfect amount of physical activity in a workout session? Do you remember a time when your workout was exactly what you needed that day? Whether it was achieved by going for a run, bike ride or participating in your favorite group exercise class, that moment was unforgettable! Many people can remember at least one time in which the endorphins and sweat were flowing in just the right proportions that you felt absolutely amazing! You felt as though you worked hard enough to feel results, but not so hard that you were completely spent for the day or contemplating wading into an ice bath or looking for the pain relief gel. That is one of the more perfect examples of how minimalism and exer...

Minimalism and Yielding

    “All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its power.”   -         Lau Tzu         Have you ever witnessed someone attempting to rescue a drowning victim from the ocean? Occasionally, the rescuer is the one who ends up drowning. Aquatic professionals are trained to either extend a solid object, like an oar, to the drowning person or throw the person an object that floats or is buoyant in some way. Only as a last resort is the rescuer to go into the water to save a conscious victim. The reason being, it is the natural response of someone drowning to latch onto anything within their grasp to push themselves up to the surface for another breath of air. Due to this struggle for survival, adrenaline and external forces like riptides, the victim survives and it is occasionally the rescuer who drowns.   There are times in our lives where the circumstances we...

Minimalism and Budgeting

  “Any half-awake materialist well knows – that which you hold holds you.”   -         Tom Robbins         The budgeting and financial side of minimalism creates clarity and a life of simplicity that few get the opportunity to enjoy. Whenever you have fewer possessions, you need a smaller house. Whenever you have a smaller house, your rent or mortgage costs less, your electric bill gets smaller and it takes less time to clean; thereby giving you more free time. When you have fewer bills, your necessary annual earnings do not need to be as much; thereby allowing you to have more free time as well. Ultimately, needing less frees you from the grind of materialism that keeps us slaves to our jobs, careers and side gigs. These “occupations” indeed do keep us occupied an inordinate amount of time. This time could be much better spent enjoying our friends, loved ones and our so called lives. While everyone technic...

Minimalism and Wisdom

  “Asking questions is the single most important habit for innovative thinkers.”   -         Paul Sloane         The wisdom of minimalism can be found in questioning the purpose of your future life choices. For instance, who are you changing for? What do you hope to achieve by mastering minimalism? When is the best time for you to transition to minimalism? Where will you choose to initiate a minimalist lifestyle? Will you try to convert your current home into a minimalist space? Will you choose to downsize? Why are you willing to make such a radical change to your life? In this section, I will be discussing the necessary questions that you must pose and answer to discover the wisdom in your personal pursuit of minimalism. Who are you changing for?     “They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.”   -         Confucius ...

Minimalism and Eating Well

  “Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health.”   -         Julia Child     Minimalist principles can also be applied to nutrition. Just like any facet of minimalism, what we are ultimately seeking is to reduce or eliminate anything from our lives that does not bring us joy. Wouldn’t you be a lot more joyful if you were eating less junk food? Do you not feel as though trading fewer high quality foods in replace of the fast food restaurants and super convenient instant dinners would satisfy you much more? Would the higher energy levels, increased metabolism and slimmer waistline be more to your liking? I’m sure that you have heard it all before: eat well, live well! While this is indeed true, in order to see lasting results, consistency and quality are crucial to maintain when pursuing your nutritional goals. In this section, I will be discussing several...